2023: A Year In Review
It has been an extremely busy and exciting year for us here at LA London. As we reach the end of the year, we’ve been taking stock and looking back at some of the team’s achievements, successes and memorable moments from the past twelve months. Here are some of our highlights from 2023:
LA and the Chocolate Factory
We were delighted to be appointed as architects on a major project converting the historic Menier Chocolate Factory building into premium office space.
The five-storey, Grade II-listed building dates to the 1870s, and is best known as the home of the Menier Chocolate Factory theatre, one of London’s best-loved fringe venues. The project is due to complete towards the end of 2024.
The LA team in one of the historic Menier spaces we are refurbishing
2. A Pair of Promotions
Congratulations were in order in November for our colleagues Cristian Tudose, who was promoted to Associate and Director of LA Surveys, and Alicia Pell, who passed her final architecture exams and qualified as a Chartered and registered Architect.
A huge well done to them both!
Associate and Director of LA Surveys, Cristian Tudose, and Chartered Architect, Alicia Pell
3. Refurbishment in Kensington Completed
In November, we completed a beautiful refurbishment of a 3,200ft² house on the Kensington Green Estate. Working alongside interior designers Accouter, Lees Associates have provided a gem-like pied-à-terre, perfectly designed to meet the client’s specific preferences, needs and desires.
4. A New Look for Harrods’ Lingerie Department
Summer saw the completion of an extensive fit-out of a new lingerie department at Harrods as part of our ongoing work with the world’s leading luxury department store.
At 16,000ft², the new department is 50% larger than the old one, and houses 47 brands across three rooms. Lees Associates worked with interior designers David Collins Studio on this beautiful new space.
The new lingerie department at Harrods (image courtesy of Harrods)
5. Surrey Mega-basement Nears Completion
This year saw significant progress at our project on The Crown Estate in Oxshott, a six-bedroom mansion in Surrey. Lees Associates were brought in to design and oversee a substantial lower-ground extension, which runs under the garden, to accommodate a 25m swimming pool and bowling alley (photo, right).
LA have also extended the existing house above ground, working with interior designers Accouter on this extraordinary project, which is due to complete in January.
6. Re-Roofing Wheat Wharf
Earlier this year we completed work on a Grade II-listed former warehouse on Shad Thames. The building had been converted into 40 loft apartments over 20 years ago but had suffered from roof leaks for some time, until the directors of the shared freehold took action.
Lees Associates oversaw the works to re-roof the former warehouse, a challenging and highly intricate project. The clients were so happy with the work that they threw a party for the whole team to celebrate its completion!
Lees Associates oversaw the re-roofing of Wheat Wharf to finally resolve over 20-years of leaks
7. Refurbishing the LA Studio
Lancaster House , just behind Borough Market, has been home to Lees Associates for more than a decade, and our office benefits from a beautiful roof terrace and external conference room. This year we refurbished this outbuilding, affectionately known as the ‘Shed’, upgrading the conference room and installing four new booths that allow more privacy for one-on-one and online meetings.
We also replaced all of the lighting throughout the studio with energy-efficient LED fittings, helping reduce our carbon footprint all year round.
The refurbishment adds to the facilities we offer our colleagues, as well as collaborators within the industry who sublet desk space from us.
Our new private meeting booths are proving a big hit!
8. Appointment to Belgravia Apartments
LA are thrilled to have been appointed as architects on the development of several premium apartments in a beautiful but neglected historic building on the corner of Belgrave Square (see survey video below). The project is due to complete in 2025. Watch this space…
9. The Growth of LA Surveys
Having officially launched last year, our in-house surveying arm, LA Surveys, has grown apace in 2023. The company was set up to address the many issues the LA team had been encountering with existing surveys, often at a stage when errors had a major impact on a project.
We build accurate 3D BIM models from the point cloud data that our scanners capture
As architects undertaking measured surveys ourselves, our knowledge of buildings and understanding of what the end user of the survey is going to need from it pays dividends. We produce highly accurate and detailed 3D scans to provide the client and team with a point-cloud model and panoramic photography, saving multiple return visits to site. In 2023, we’ve doubled the number of surveys completed, and demand continues to grow.
10. Progress in Little Venice
This year we have seen significant progress on our project at Blomfield Road, a beautiful house overlooking the canal in Little Venice.
The two-year project, a complete refurbishment, includes a substantial basement excavation and is due to complete in summer 2024.
11. Our Most Successful Summer Party Yet
At the beginning of September, we hosted our eleventh annual summer garden party. Over 120 clients, collaborators and connections – the great and the good of London’s luxury property market – enjoyed delicious food, drinks and conversation on the famous Lees Associates roof terrace in balmy 30-degree heat.
LA’s Summer Party 2023
And so to 2024…
If you have made it this far, well done! As you can see, 2023 has been a busy year for us. We look forward to seeing that continue in 2024 as we build on our reputation and commence more exciting projects and collaborations.