Sign up to one of our CPDs

Since the Covid-19 lockdown began, LA Partner, Andrew Paulson has been offering CPDs to our fellow consultants via Zoom, to very positive reviews. Andrew currently has two CPDs available:

The Role of Executive Architect

Explaining why An Executive Architect might be engaged on a project, what they do and the benefits they can bring. This CPD is a thorough examination of the role, using case studies to illustrate particular aspects.

An Introduction to BIM

Providing a background into the evolution of architectural design, culminating in the advanced technology of BIM that has become ubiquitous over recent years. As early adopters of BIM, Lees Associates have long advocated the many benefits and efficiencies it brings to all projects. In this CPD Andrew summarises these for an audience who might not yet have much experience of it.



“Good to understand the range of things an Executive Architect gets involved in and to be able to relate this to real project examples.

“Really insightful and an eye-opener to what Lees can bring that many others do not.

“Informative and clear. The BIM slides were a great example of the benefits of the modelling accessibility.

“An interesting insight into the various roles undertaken by Architects and the amount of detail that goes into the design.

“A very clear overview of the subject.

“I liked how visual it was, the overview of the slides and examples of projects to give context to tasks.

“Informative, accessible; just the right level of detail.

“Very impressed!

“Concise, informative and engaging delivery of an interesting and relevant subject matter.

“A very thorough, slick presentation.

“Just to reinforce how useful it was, an hour flew by!

“An enjoyable way to start the morning!

“A great presentation - thank you!

So what are you waiting for? Sign up today!


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